What is KSmart?

Updated: 11 February, 2024

KSmart is an abbreviation of Klati Smart which is a development project between Arduino and Android Studio. Like Bluetooth of Things (BoT) or Internet of Things (IoT) project that develops remote electrical control.
The KSmart website/application is a tool to connect to the system that will/has been created.

Security KSmart

Because this application is connected to the system, security is the main thing for us. That's why our application requires a login. Apart from that, we also read Device ID/Name for advanced security, such as reading who accesses user features.

This is an example if another device uses the user feature, if you don't recognize it you can change your password, or ignore it if your device recognizes it.

System board

Usually we use system boards that support Arduino applications, The following is a list of system board items :

And there are many other additional tools that have been adapted to form a project Arduino. If you are confused for buying this item, we also offer it on the KSmart application.


Make sure you log in first or use our demo account to try the firmware. If you want to try with your own account, you can register your email and request to create a system, then you will be connected to our WhatsApp, see example here.

If everything is ready, you can click the post icon at the bottom left, and it will look like this :

Click the card in the post section to see all the content, and it will look like this :

This is content posted as a tutorial on how to create a system and there are still many systems that will be created so keep updating on the KSmart web/app.

Remote Systems?

If everything is ready, you can click the remote icon at the bottom right, and it will look like this :

The white power button icon in the middle position is the button for power ON, and the red one is for power OFF, you can also enter the ON/OFF voice command for power ON/OFF in the system, long press the power ON/OFF button. If you click on the menu icon at the bottom, other options will appear such as changing the text on the system and sign out account.

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